August 01, 2012

2012 0701 in Hong Kong

Because we are HK peoples, we born here, we live here. We do need to fight for our freedom, our rights. I didn't choose black and white to express my feeling in this album, just because i want to keep some colors to express our hope. Although the colors are little bit pale. All Photos at:

May 21, 2012

Playing little bird (Not mine!!)

For all photos:

May 10, 2012

My New Pentax K01

April 22, 2012

June 19, 2011



May 11, 2011

Expression and Sensitivity

My boss just did a funny analysis about me today, it's pretty true.

Working 34/7 in the Positive

Strong, practical, physical, and spiritual, these individuals have learned to trust the mystery and wisdom of life working through them and through everyone else. These freethinkers trust in the process of their life, including the ups and downs, the difficulties and joys. Meditation, which quiets their mind, brings a sense of harmony and peace as a regular part of their life. Combining worldly interests with a commitment toward inner growth, these individuals dedicate their work, relationships, and activities to growth and awakening. They share their insightful nature based on direct experience and feel connected to Spirit even while pursuing the practical concerns of everyday life.

Working 34/7 in the Negative

These individuals feel torn between conflicting drives for security and desires to go inward and get away from the material world. Confused and troubled by a human world they don't trust, they see hypocrisy everywhere, reflecting the turmoil they feel inside. Self-doubt only aggravates self-trust issues, so they constantly look for teachers, techniques, and ideas that can help them; they become wandering spiritual vagabonds, seldom putting down roots long enough for anything to grow in their lives. Alternately, they want nothing to do with "crazy" spiritual things. Even though they may appear sociable and gregarious, they are wary of sharing their feelings and end up feeling alone.